
Put your love for pups to the test - we have a bunch of dogs that need their photos taken, doggone it! Photograph and catalogue the finest (and derpiest) dogs to build your career, upgrade your camera, and discover new canines. WOOF.


Pupperazzi is developed by Sundae Month, a small team mostly based in Vermont, USA. It was announced as published by Kitfox Games in 2020. It's been covered by Forbes, IGN, and other dog enthusiasts. Apparently the term "dogspotting" is copyrighted! Who knew?


  • SO. MANY. DOGS. All kinds of breeds!
  • First person dog photographer action
  • Customize and save your favorite shots for sharing online
  • Pet, play fetch, dress those dogs up, start dance parties


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Selected Articles

  • Pupperazzi looks a lot like what you'd get if Nintendogs merged with Pokémon Snap - a very nice combo indeed
    Imogen Beckhelling, RockPaperShotgun
  • Pupperazzi lets you photograph dogs—what more could you want?
    Fraser Brown, PCGamer
  • The project is looking to create something low-key and low stress
    Matt Paprocki, Forbes
  • Everyone Is Freaking Out Over Pupperazzi, Which is Like Pokémon Snap With Dogs
    Joseph Knoop, IGN

About Kitfox Games

Kitfox Games is an independent Montreal-based game studio dedicated to developing and publishing only the highest quality games. We have a soft spot for exploring and discovering intriguing worlds. We're united in creating the best worlds to explore, and growing together in the process.
More information
More information on Kitfox Games, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Pupperazzi Credits

Isobel Shasha
Director, Sundae Month
Ben Sironko
Developer, Sundae Month
Campbell Fletcher
Artist, Sundae Month
Christina McCown
Dog Artist, Sundae Month
Alexis Faintreny
Environment Artist, Sundae Month
Fisher Wagg
Designer and Support, Sundae Month
Jack Yeates
Audio and SFX, Sundae Month
Ryan Huggins
UI and UX Developer, Sundae Month
Bradford Horton
Designer and Support, Sundae Month
Simon Wagg
SFX, Sundae Month
Levi Rohr
Producer, Sundae Month
Xin Ran Liu
Video Editor and UI Designer, Kitfox Games
Alexandra Orlando
Community Manager, Kitfox Games
Tanya X. Short
Publishing Liaison, Kitfox Games